
Fantastic Normandy Regional Show for French Eurogenes members

The show has started and last Saturday the Normandy Regional Show was held where multiple French Eurogenes members were very successful. The Grand Championship was captured by the lovely Goldwyn-daughter Twin Uzelli VG-88-FR 2yr. who is owned by Eurogenes member GAEC Leclerc. Click further for all results.





Category 2
  1. Twin Ria (s. Windbrook) - GAEC Leclerc 
  2. Hilady-Ots (s. Brady) - EARL Ferme D'Autes
CHAMPION: Twin Ria owned by GAEC Lecrler

Twin Ria - Champion Heifer Regional Show
Category 4
  1. Flory (s. Sanchez) - Ferme Lorygenes & Scl Du Meninot
Category 6
  1. Twin Goldy (s. Goldwyn) - GAEC Leclerc
  2. Twin Jaspy (s. Jasper) - GAEC Leclerc & Fanya Matthey
  3. Twin red (s. Talent) - GAEC Leclerc & GAEC  Gallais
CHAMPION 2-Yr. OLD: Twin Gold owned by GAEC Leclerc 
RES. CHAMPION 2-Yr. OLD: Twin Jasp owned by GAEC Leclerc & Fanya Matthey
Category 7
  1. Twin Kia (s. Roy) - GAEC Leclerc & ILY Genetics
  2. DSP Exel (s. Talent) - Ferme D'Autes
INT. CHAMPION & BEST UDDER: Twin Kia owned by GAEC Leclerc & ILY Genetics
RES. INT CHAMPION: DSP Exel owned by Ferme D'AutesHeifer Show:

Twin Kia VG-88-FR 2yr.
Category 9
  1. Twin Uzelli (s. Goldwyn) - GAEC Leclerc & Bruno Toussaint
  2. Deysy (Goldwyn) - Ferme Lorygenes & Scl Du Meninot
Category 10
  1. Carmen-Ots (s. Goldwyn) - EARL Ferme D'Autes
  2. Cool-Ots (s. Bambam) - EARL Ferme D'Autes
SR. CHAMPION: Twin Uzelli owned by GAEC Leclerc & Burno Toussaint
RES. SR. CHAMPION: Carmen-Ots owned by EARL Ferme D'Autes

Twin Uzelli VG-88-FR 2yr. 
Best Cow Group:
  1. GAEC Leclerc
  2. EARL Ferme D'Autes



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