Fernycleugh Cashmoney Cindere VG-87-UK 2yr.
(Cashmoney x Atwood)
The Giessen Cinderella's!
Aghavilly Holsteins
Reg No.
October 27, 2013Production Records
La1 100d 2.500kgM 4.5%F 3.4%P (Inc.)Classification
87FR 88DS 87MS 87FL / VG-87-UK 2yr.Genomic Result
US 08/19 GTPI +1862 / NM $ 162 / PTAT +1.77 [ Details ]Details
- Great 2-Yr. Old from the Giessen Cinderella's!
- Dam is a former top 25 PTAT cow in Europe
- the 13th generation VG or EX!
- Dam is maternal sister to Ciderman @ Ascol - Former #1 GICO bull in Spain
- Dam is maternal sister to Control @ Semex
- Same family as Scientific Debutante Rae EX-92-USA, Res. Grand Champion Madison '05
- Goes back to the Queen of the Breed I & II Glendridge Citation Roxy EX-97
(D.O.B. July 2015)
US 12/19 GTPI +2111 / PTAT +1.19
(s. View-Home POWERBALL-P-ET)
US 12/19 GTPI +2111 / PTAT +1.19
(s. View-Home POWERBALL-P-ET)
Farnear-TBR-BH Cashmoney-ET
JK Eder DG Atwood Cinderella VG-88-NL 2yr.
JK Eder DG Atwood Cinderella VG-88-NL 2yr.
2.02 305d 8.679kgM 4.0% 347F 3.4% 295P
- Former top 25 PTAT Cow in Europe
- Maternal sister to former #1 bull in Spain CIDERMAN (s. Snowman) @ Ascol
- Maternal sister to Control @ Semex
- Same family as Claton & Clide in Italy
Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD
Giessen Bolton Cinderella 20 VG-87-NL 2yr.
Giessen Bolton Cinderella 20 VG-87-NL 2yr.
2.05 305d 10.329kgM 3.4% 351F 3.3% 341P
- 2 VG-88 2yr. Old dtrs already
- VG dtrs in NL, Canada & MORE
- Dam to Ciderman @ Ascol (Former #1 GICO bull in Spain)
- Dam to Control @ Semex
Sandy-Valley BOLTON
Giessen Cinderella 15 EX-91-NL
Giessen Cinderella 15 EX-91-NL
3.02 305d 10.237kgM 3.9% 394F 3.6% 363P
4.03 305d 11.373kgM 3.7% 420F 3.5% 401P
5.04 305d 11.235kgM 4.2% 474F 3.8% 425P
6.11 305d 12.325kgM 3.6% 449F 3.5% 430P
2286d 76.088kgM 4.0%F 3.6%P
4.03 305d 11.373kgM 3.7% 420F 3.5% 401P
5.04 305d 11.235kgM 4.2% 474F 3.8% 425P
6.11 305d 12.325kgM 3.6% 449F 3.5% 430P
2286d 76.088kgM 4.0%F 3.6%P
- Res. Int. Champion National HHH Show 2010
- Maternal sister to Giessen Cinderella 17 EX-90-NL
Next Dams
4th Durham Cinderella VG-89-NL
5th Wilcoxview Cinderella EX-92-USA 3E
6th Scientific Cinderaella VG-88-USA EX-MS
7th Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM
8th Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM
9th Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD DOM
10th C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD
11th C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA
12th Norton Court Reflection Vale VG-85-USA