
Hellender Champion Corina EX-94 wins at Argovie-Expo

Hellender Holsteins had a fantastic day at the Argovie-Expo where they captured the Grand Championship title with Hellender Champion Corina EX-94-SW 3E! The almost 13 years old Champion-daughter still belongs in the top of her companions. She participated in January at the Swiss Expo Lausanne in the oldest class where she was 3rd! Corina now has 3 Grand Championship titles on her name and is a full sister to Hellender Champion Calanda EX-95-SW who was 1st in her section at the Swiss Expo 2013.




Hellender Champion Corina EX-94-SW 3E
Supreme Champion Argovie-Expo 2013
3rd at Swiss Expo Lausanne 2013
Res. Champion & Best Udder Brunegg 2011
Supreme Champion & Best Udder Elite Show Brunegg 2009
Supreme Champion Luga Luzern 2009
Res. Jr. Champion Elite Show 2008

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