
Huge success for Posal Farms at InterReg.le Show Noci 2015

The best possible thing happened for Posal Farms last weekend during the InterReg.le Show Noci 2015, this Interregional Southern Italian Show dominated by the Posal Farms animals. All results came from cows bred and owned by this farm owned by the di Ciommo family. They won: Best Breeder, Best Exhinitor, Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, Grand Senior, Reserve Senior, HM Senior, Best Udder Senior, Reserve Best Udder Senior, 6yo Champion and Best Udder, 4yo Champion and Best Udder, 4yo Reserve and Best PFT, 9-12 Reserve, 9-12 3rd and Best PFT & 6-9 Best PFT!!

Show results InterReg.le Show Noci 2015

Posal Lheros Olimpia EX92
Grand, Senior, Best Senior Udder, 6yo and Best Udder

Posal Sanchez Marbella VG88
Reserve, Reserve Senior, Reserve Udder 4yo and Best Udder

Posal Bolton Melissa VG87
HM Senior 4yo reserve and best PFT

Posal Colby Sandra
9-12 reserve

Posal Atwood Katrina
9-12 3rd and Best PFT

Posal Iota Freedon
6-9 Best PFT Interegional Southern Italian Show


GRAND CHAMPION: Posal Lheros Olimpia EX-92-IT

Res. Grand Champion: Posal Sanchez Marbella (Archive picture)

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