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World Class addition at Holbra Holsteins

December 10, 2014 Holbra Holsteins from the Netherlands has invested in one of the most interesting young Mogul daughters, CNN Mogul Chamea. The August 2013 born Chamea is one of the highest flush age heifers in the breed with GTPI +2543! She has a mouthwathering sire stack as a Mogul from a Robust (which isn't available in Europe) from a Planet daughter of Larcrest Cosmopolitan hereself. The family which produced bulls like Contrast @ Semex, Chevrolet @ CRV, Fanatic @ TopQ, Commander @ ABS and more. Chamea's full brother, Carlo ranks with the highest GTPI bulls from this moment with GTPI +2565 and is available through AI Total.    Read More

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Buiner Holsteins has the #1 GTPI Mayfield

December 10, 2014 DG Abella from Buiner Holsteins is the #1 GTPI Mayfield dtr in Europe with GTPI +2452 and #4 World Wide (only 13 GTPI points behind the #1). Abella is a real eyecatcher in the herd with great type, she has a super complete index with >6 PL, 5.6 SCE, >2 PTAT, +3.8 DPR and GTPI +2452! Her pedigree exclusivity, different sires and shows a great combination of type, production and fitness as a Mayfield x Freddie x Ramos x Shottle!    Read More

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Huge combinations added to the Embryoshop

December 9, 2014 Some great embryo combinations have been added to the Eurogenes Online Embryo Webshop. Exclusive Mogul Emerald embryos from a GTPI >2500 Supersire from the Lead Mae family, embryos from a 100% fullblood Wagyu combination and early Entitle *RC embryos from an RC Supersire dtr from the APPLE cow family with world class R&W GTPI potential.    Read More

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Special Red & Polled sister to SUNFISH!

December 8, 2014 MS Sunview Se Suri Red *PO is a very special RED & POLLED heifer in the American breeding program from Broekhuis Vee (The Netherlands). Suri is a May 2013 heifer and one of the highest GTPI RED & POLLED heifers in the breed with almost 2200 GTPI. Suri is the maternal sister to the popular *RC mating sire, Sunfish @ Masterrind Germany with RZG 156 and over 2400 GTPI. Dam , Dymentholm Sunview Sunday *RC (Snowman) is the #2 GTPI RC cow on the American locator list and was the covergirl of the Hotspots Autumn 2014 edition.    Read More

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Great advertising opportunity!

December 8, 2014 10 years Eurogenes! Beacuse of this jubilee Holstein International publishes an exclusive article in their January issue. A great opportunity for Eurogenes members for advertising with a special rate in the winter edition of the Hotspots and January issue of the Holstein International. For a great adverstising start of 2015.    Read More

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Eurogenes Online Christmas Heifer Sale

December 5, 2014 The 23th of December will start the Eurogenes Online Christmas Heifer Sale which will run for a week until December the 30th, the online sale will run by the system of higher offer! Click furhter for a few examples. Consign your heifers now for the Christmas Online Heifer Sale.    Read More

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European heifer #1 GTPI heifer World Wide

December 4, 2014 A heifer born in France caused great excitement around the world in the GTPI December run, EBA Joa is the new # GTPI heifer in the breed with GTPI +2814! She is an Halogen from an Mogul-dam from EBA Holsteins, France (will be online on Eurogenes soon). Over 40.000 European females have been tested already in the American GTPI system, click here for the Top 100!   Read More

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Beeze DERTOUR RED new #1 R&W RZG sire in Germany

December 3, 2014 Beeze DERTOUR RED, bred by Beeze Holsteins from the Netherlands is the new #1 dtr proven R&W RZG bull in Germany. Dertour is owned by the German AI station RSH and was already very popular as a genomic young sire with a great type index, he confirms his index now with already over 100 dtrs in his index and a huge type index of 143 RZE (142 udders!). Read more about his family and interesting progeny at Beeze Holsteins.    Read More

Top 35 GLPI European females 12/14

December 3, 2014 Click further for the Top 35 GLPI of all tested European females until December 2014. The #1 GLPI heifer is EBA Joa with over 3618 GLPI, a daughter of Halogen from EBA which will be online soon on Eurogenes. KNS Rosalie bred by Niermann from Schiplage, Germany is the #3 GLPI heifer now and has another sister in the Top 35. Click further for the complete list.    Read More

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Top ranking PTAT bulls World Wide

December 3, 2014 Mr. Eclipse Atwood's ARCHRIVAL has kept the leading position in the global type index ranking PTAT. A base change happened in the December 2014 index run which brought the overall PTAT index of all bulls down with circa 1 point in comparising with 08/14. Archrival is the current #1 PTAT bull with +3.88 PTAT, just before his sire Atwood which has been one of the most influantial sires in the show ring over the past years! Click here for the complete ranking.    Read More

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