
Next Online Elite Bull Sale

The next Online Elite Bull Sale will take place in the week starting Monday June 22nd and will end Friday June 26th . If you would like to market a first choice bull from highly interesting pregnancies or a live bull from a great pedigree and with a good genomic index, feel free to contact us and discuss the possibilities. Online Bull Sales are the best and most transparent way to value your bulls. In the last sales bulls have been selling for prices in various price ranges from EUr2.500,-- tot EUR60.000,-- with multiple selling in the range from EUr15.000 to EUR25.000,--.




Contact details:

Jan de Vries tel: 06 26250502 jandevries@diamond-genetics.nl

Jan Postma tel: 06 42778550 janpostma@diamond-genetics.nl

Jan van den Oord tel: 0033 679961625 jan.vandenoord@wanadoo.fr

Andreas Middelkampf tel: 0049 1711979157 amiddelkampf@holsteinselect.de

We look forward to talk to you and discuss the possibilities.

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