
Spanish highlights - December 2021 proof

The French bull Pinkfloyd came out as the #1 ICO sire in the Spanish system at +5370 ICO. Closely followed by the German bull: Sunrise at +5363 ICO. At the third spot we find the Spanish bull: Arias at +5354 ICO. The number one daughter proven bull is this index run GARIDO at +4878 ICO. In second the former #1 of last run: Boldi V GYMNAST at +4722 ICO followed by Cookiecutter Lgnd Husky, Peak AltaGopro, Peak AltaHothand, Peak AltaZarek and Mr Salvatore *RC. The topping bull at the daughter proven list with Spanish daughters is Gefri Apolo P at +4356 ICO (99% rel.) followed by Wilder Mocca (+4295 ICO) and Wilder Marzipan (+4265 ICO). Click further for the complete Spanish breeding values.

Spanish bull indexes - December 2021:

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Crosewick 28
Vreden, Germany
Phone: +49(0)15146245204
Email: nobert.holtkamp@gmail.com

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