

Last Friday have been held the R&W Show of the Swiss Expo in Lausanne, Switzerland. Judge Mark Rueth judged one of the best R&W shows ever held World Wide with Plattery Savard Renita winning the Grand Championship. Also great results for Eurogenes members GS Alliance and Bruhlhof Holsteins. Click further for the complete result list and additional pictures!

17 January 2014
Judge: Mark Rueth (USA)

Grand Champion: Plattery Savard RÉNITA (SAVARD x STADEL-Red) à Menoud Christian
Reserve Grand Champion: MINNIFÉE (Plattery September NILSON x Toustelles Marcel LIMAR) à Krebs Niklau
Hon. Mention:  La Waebera Glacier OCEANIE (Sunnylodge GLACIER-Red x Ja-Bob JORDAN-Red) à La Waebera

Grand Champion: Plattery Savard RÉNITA

Champion Udder: MINNIFÉE (Plattery September NILSON x Toustelles Marcel LIMAR) à Krebs Niklau
Res. Champion Udder: La Waebera Glacier OCEANIE (Sunnylodge GLACIER-Red x Ja-Bob JORDAN-Red) à La Waebera

Grand Champion Group R&W Show Swiss Expo '14

GS Alliance Alando JODIE-RED (Ladinodale ALANDO x Pursuit SEPTEMBER STORM) à GS Alliance
Reserve Champion: Güdel's Savard SISSI (SAVARD x DOMINATOR) à Güdel Fritz
Hon. Mention: Ptit Coeur Adventure NATURE (Riverdane ADVENTURE x CHAMPION) à Brühlhof Holsteins und Fuxberg Holsteins

GS Alliance Alando Jodie
Champion Jr. Milking & Champion Udder
(Alando x September Storm x Fradon Encounter Jodie EX-94-CAN)

Champion Udder: GS Alliance Alando JODIE-RED (Ladinodale ALANDO x Pursuit SEPTEMBER STORM) à GS Alliance
Res. Champion Udder: Güdel's Savard SISSI (SAVARD x DOMINATOR) à Güdel Fritz

Everdes Wisconsin LYBIA (April-day WISCONSIN x Sir Ridgedal RUSTLER-Red) à Everdes Holstein
Res. Champion: La Waebera Rockstar PALMA (Golden-Oaks ROCKSTAR x Gen-I-Beq SALTO) à La Waebera
Hon. Mention: La Waebera Destry TINETTE (Scientific DESTRY x All. Gaspari RALSTORM) à La Waebera & Hanni Andréas

Hon. Mention R&W Heifer: La Waebera Destry TINETTE

CLASS 1. (6)  Born 1st May to 30th June 2013
1. Schopfred Barbwire Macey, (Barbwire-Red), Eric Schopfer, Motiers
2. Walland Acme Maigold, (Acme), Kurt Walti, Seon
3. La Waebera Vodka Stenia, (Vodka Red), La Waebera, Le Mouret
4. Kolly-JI Joyboy Cameron, (Joyboy), Jean-Louis & Lionel Kolly
5. ClosDeChapel Vincent Olympiade, (Vincent), Blaise et Jean-Luc Maillard, St Martin

CLASS 2. (10)  March to 30th April 2013
1.GS Alliance Destry Misty-Red, (Destry), GS Alliance, Burglen
2. Schopfred Jotan Misty, (Jotan), Eric Schopfer, Motiers
3. Les Verdaux Dusk Noisette, (Dusk), Lionel & Cedric Dafflon, Autigny
4. Frico-Jack Verone Fregate, (Verone), Perrin Progin Comex, La Verrerie
5. Flo Acme Ibiza, (Acme), Florian Oberson, Courtion

CLASS 3. (15) Born 1st Jan to 28th Feb 2013
1. Defago Absolute Adora, (Absolute), Patrice Defago, Val d’illiez
2. All.Elisa OV Picl Magique R, (Picolo), G.B Benedetti &  O. Viani, Italy
3. Vialperrey Barbwire Loren, (Barbwire), Jean-Daniel & David Vial, Grattavache
4. Coline, (Attitude), Jean-Pierre Gobet, Siviriez
5. Woodhouse Absolute Amazing, (Absolute), Beni und Marcel Egli, Buttisholz

CLASS 4. (16)  Born between 1st Oct to 31st December 2012
1. Everdes Wisconsin Lybia, (Wisconsin), Everdes Holstein, Echarlens
2. GS Alliance Barbwire Tahita, (Barbwire), GS Alliance. Burglen
3. Kolly-JI Vincent Coucoula, (Vincent), Jean-Louis & Lionel Kolly, Pont la Ville
4. Deslacs Redliner Alicia, (Redliner), Florian Oberson, Courtion
5. Schopfred Barbwire Lenny Jane, (Barbwire), Eric Schopfer, Motiers

CLASS 5. (17)  Born between 1st July to 30th September 2012
1. Dubosson Redliner Elysee, (Redliner), H. Monney, V. Stauffer & V. Boss, Les Cullayes
2. Plattery Robin Tobie, (Robin), Fabienne & Edwin Lempen, Mont-Crosin
3. Holst. Papux Debonair Orelia, (Debonair), Piller Papaux & Currat Comex, Les Ecasseys
4. Violin, (Acme), Gisler-Pfulg Schauteam, Romoos
5. Rey Pitbull Datcha, (Pitbull), Jean-Louis & Lionel Kolly, Pont le Villle

CLASS 6. (12)  Born between 1st March to 30th June 2012
1. La Weabera Rockstar Palma, (Rockstar), La Weabera, Le Mouret
2. La Weabera Destry Tinette, (Destry), La Weabera & Hanni Andreas, Le Mouret
3. Kolly-JI Createur Estivale, (Createur), Jean-Louis & Lionel Kolly, Pont Le Ville
4. Kolly-JI Createur Charlene, (Createur), Jean-Louis & Lionel Kolly, Pont Le Ville
5. Moulinets Hvezda Olympe, (Hvezda), Robert, Nicholas & Delabbays, Sales

CLASS 7. (6)  Born between 1st Sept. 11 to 28th Feb. 12
1. Morandale Hvezda Lowel, (Hvezda), Francois Morand, Vuadens
2. Hellender Joyboy Arthabaska, (Joyboy), Thomas, Andreas & Anton Ender, Kallem
3. Schrago Colt Cassandra, (Colt), Martin Fankhauser, Mont-de-Buttes
4. Pulpeuse, (Dusk), Damien Pittet, Romanens
5. ClosDeChapel Savard Nolwenn, (Savard), Blaise & Jean – Luc Mallard, St-Martin

CLASS 8. (12)
1. PraderGrens Joyboy Jamie Lady, (Joyboy), W Van der Poel/M. Egli/C & M Rey-Pradervand, Grens - Best Udder
2. Oberlistar Picolo Noeline, (Picolo) Roland Oberli, Les Genevez
3. Schuwey Destry Bianca, (Destry), Tobias & Beat Schhuwey, Jaun
4. La Waebera Carat Cigale, (Carat), La Waebera, Le Mouret
5. Hirsbrunners Absolute Kely, (Absolute), Gobeli Holstein, Saanen

1st Class 8: PraderGrens Joyboy Jamie Lady

CLASS 9. (15)
1. Plattery Destry Starlette, (Destry), Christian Menoud, Romanens
2. Ptit Coeur Jet Terrore, (Jet), Roger Frossard, Les Pommerats
3. La Waebera Carat Catamana, (Carat), La Weabera, Le Mouret
4. La Villaire Vincent Zoupette, (Vincent), Cedric & Jimmy Perroud, Echallens
5. Vialperrey Globull Irene, (Globull), David & Jean-Daniel Vial, Grattavache

1st Class 9: Plattery Destry Starlette

CLASS 10. (16)
1. Kolly – JL Starfire Cacharel, (Starfire), Jean-Louis & Lionel Kolly, Pont La Ville
2. Fankis Marine Bluejean, (Marine), Martin Fankhauser, Burgistein
3. Allenbach Hvezda Katia, (Hvezda), Hansruedi Allenbach, Wiedlisbach
4. Pradergrens Dusk Irlande, (Dusk), Cedric & Monique Rey – Pradervand, Grens
5. Senta, (Delago), Claude Charriere, Epagny

1st Class 10:  Kolly – JL Starfire Cacharel

CLASS 11. (14)
1. GS Alliance Alando Jodie Red, (Alando), GS Alliance, Burglen - Best Udder
2. Gudel’s Savard Sissi, (Savard), Fritz Gudel, Kaltacker
3. Ptit Coeur Adventure Nature, (Adventure), Fuxberg & Bruhlhof Holsteins
4. Bimouna Big Apple Emmi, (Big Apple), Gobeli Holsteins, Saanen
5. Mattenhof Bookman Chiavenna, (Bookman), Nicholas Uldry,  Le Chatelard

3rd Class 11: Ptit Coeur Adventure Nature

CLASS 12. (10)
1. Plattery Savard Renita, (Savard), Christan Menoud, Romanens - Best Udder
2. Xaintrie Fiere, (Accolade), Ferme Xaintrie, Pleaux, France
3. Caroline, (Savard), Mathurin & Th. Spycher, Sonvilier
4. Mollanges Director Sabrina, (Director), Erhard & Marc Junker, Iffwil
5. Jouxvey Redbull Louange, (Redbull), Stephane Renevey, La Chaux-de-Fonds

1st Class 13: Plattery Savard RÉNITA

CLASS 13.  (10)
1. Minnifee, (Nilson), Niklaus Krebs, Burgistein - Best Udder
2. Noel Adv. (Advent), GS Alliance, Burglen
3. La Waebera, Remedy Tatania, (Remedy), La Waebera, Le Mourel
4. Timea, (Savard), Jean-Louis & Lionel Kolly, Pont la Ville
5. Frico Talent Comette, (Talent) Perrin Comex Progin, La Verrerie

1st Class 13: Minnifee

CLASS 14. (12)
1. La Biolleyre Jet Fureur, (Jet), Benoit Cardinaux, Boulez - Best Udder
2. En Soussat Talent Maloya, (Talent), Alian-Pierre Suchet, Farvagny
3. La Waebera Joyboy Stella, (Joyboy), La Waebera, Le Mouret
4. Coppey Figaro Capri, (Figaro), Denis & Emmanuel Coppey, Orssieres
5. Sidonia, (Savard), Menoud & Fils, Motiers

1st Class 14:  La Biolleyre Jet Fureur

CLASS 15. (15)
1. Louberwil Mateo Optima, (Mateo), Florence Gratwohl & Sebastien Favre, Les Moulins - Best Udder
2. Frico Glacier Athena, (Glacier), Perrin Progin Comex, La Verrerie
3. Mox Talent Mandy, (Talent), GS Alliance, Burglen
4. FGH CI Red, (Jordan), Maxime P. Michelbach/Gaec Gutzwiller, Le Ht – France
5. Les Rapes Joyboy Operette, (Joyboy), Domininque Baspt, La Corbaz

1st Class 15: Louberwil Mateo Optima

3rd Class 15: Mox Talent Mandy

CLASS 16. (4)
1. Habe’Roches Joyboy Olympia, (Joyboy), Wilfred & David Habegger, Roches - Best Udder
2. Au Clos Delago Iris, (Delago), Pascal & Jean-Luc Conus,
3. Preference des Grandes Trix, (Glacier) Christian & Jaques Rey, Les Verrieres
4. Siberia Glacier Rochelle, (Glacier), Denis Huguenin, La Brevine

CLASS 17. (3)
1. La Waeberia Glacier Oceanie, (Glacier), La Waebera, Le Mouret - Best Udder
2. La Waebera Coretto Nadia, (Coretto), La Waebera, Le Mouret
3. Jamina, (Rubis), Jacques Perritaz, Villarlod

1st Class 17: La Waeberia Glacier Oceanie

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