
Whittier-farms Jasper Atlanta – show topper from the Atlee's

The MD-Delight Durham Atlee family is more popular than ever since the famous type bulls Atwood & Aftershock. Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta VG-85-CH 2yr. is a great show cow at Ruegruet Holsteins & GS Alliance and out of the Atlee family! Her mother Ms Atlees Gold Abigail EX-91-USA is out of the "golden" cross from Atlee and is a full sister to Atwood, Golden Dreams, Delete & more. Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta was present during the last Swiss Expo in Lausanne where she was placed 2nd in her class, Atlanta will be flushed soon.



Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta VG-85-CH 2yr.
2nd place Swiss Expo 2014
Grand daughter of MD-Delight Durham Atlee EX-92-USA, dam to Atwood, Golden Dreams, Delete, Amazing, Aftershock & more

Ms Atlees Gold Abigail EX-91-USA DOM
Full sister to Ms Atlees Goldwyn Ariel EX-92-USA – Res. All-American Jr. 2-Yr. Old '09
Maternal sister to Ms Atlees Shottle Aubry EX-92-USA & Ms Atlees Roy Autumn EX-90-USA

MD-Delight Durham Atlee EX-92-USA DOM
Fantastic transmitting type cow!

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